Breathe, Believe, Become Mastermind with Karen

Unleashing Business Growth in 2024

Choosing the right coach for your Mastermind program is a critical decision that can make or break your business’s success. Among the sea of choices and promises, Karen stands out with her unique and effective approach.

With Karen as your Mastermind coach and facilitator in the Breathe, Believe, Become mastermind program, you get more than a guide. But a partner who is as dedicated to your business growth as you are. Karen’s Breathe, Believe, Become 16-week mastermind program offers a tailored approach that seeks to understand. Understand your business, values, and goals and helps you carve a path to success that is uniquely yours.

From fostering a deep understanding of your audience to aligning your business with your values, Karen ensures sustainable growth that results in a significant 25% increase in your business. Embark on the journey to remarkable business growth with the Breathe, Believe, Become mastermind program in 2024!

These sessions have helped me see and understand what I have to offer my clients it’s beyond what I could have imagined possible.

Vonda V, AZ

This unique program is inspired by previous clients who found clarity in three pivotal areas of their businesses:

  • knowing their true audience,
  • aligning their daily activities with their goals, and
  • encompassing their values in every decision to grow their businesses.

Join this Exclusive Mastermind Program

Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of an exclusive and transformational journey that’s tailored to your business growth. 

By joining Karen inside the Breathe, Believe, Become 16-week mastermind, you’ll be stepping into a supportive and collaborative environment. Inside you will propel your business’s growth by 25% in 2024. This program is designed with the understanding that every business is different and thus deserves a unique strategy. 

You’ll learn how to resonate with your audience, align your business with your core values, and set achievable goals. With only six spots available in January, time is of the essence! 

Unleash your business’s potential in 2024 – join the Breathe, Believe, Become mastermind program today!

As an InnovateHER mastermind member, you not only enjoy access to virtual networking and collaboration groups. But also gain access to bi-weekly group coaching sessions.

Kickstart Your Success Journey

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards success? The design of our program is to help you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential. Whether you’re starting a new venture, pursuing a career change, or seeking personal growth, our comprehensive program provides the tools, resources, and guidance you need to thrive.

Finding it challenging to strike a balance between personal well-being and the demanding nature of running a business? The struggle to manage stress, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and prioritize self-care while navigating the responsibilities of entrepreneurship is real. Very Real.

Breath Believe Become is your solution and here’s why today is the right time for you to enroll!

  • We guide you through building emotional intelligence and resilience to maintain a sense of calm and control through the roughest and toughest of times.
  • You’ll learn tools and strategies for cultivating emotional resilience and adaptability to move through and find the success you’re seeking in business.
  • Also, we’ll be guiding you in elevating your business confidence and mastering communication to help you bridge these gaps and become a more visionary leader.
  • Additionally, you’ll walk away from each working session feeling empowered with strategies to enhance your digital footprint and more connected with your audience.
  • We’ll meet every week for 16-weeks for 90-minutes with 5 other small women business owners; you get the support you need to learn new strategies and new perspectives that lead to new solutions.
Enroll in the Breathe, Believe, Become Mastermind today!

These sessions have helped me see and understand what I have to offer my clients it’s beyond what I could have imagined possible. I have had so many light bulb moments. I now have a new excitement for sharing my products, knowledge, and business.”

 “Just absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for all your time, effort, solutions, support, and genuine care for taking the time to help me in a serious moment of dire need, thank you Karen and everyone at Get Savvy!

Grab one of the 6 seats today!

“Karen’s guidance and coaching has been invaluable to my small business ~ I have no doubt her expert planning and advice is what allowed us to build a successful business in such a short amount of time.

Mastermind Group

  • 16 weekly 90-minute live inspirational and business orientated video conference that will keep your business on the right track by providing insight, wisdom, connections, and accountability. We use the group to become better businesses, and stronger, more confident women and leaders.
  • You will connect with like-minded women from across the globe. 
  • Members of the group go through a screening process to make sure that they have a “growth” mindset.
  • As an Innovather mastermind community member, you will be given exclusive life-time access to the Women’s Business Resource Community that offers it’s members over 100 all-inclusive access to workbooks, worksheets, audio lessons, self-directed courses, networking and collaboration opportunities. The library of resources grows each week with new lessons and tools for it’s members.
  • A syllabus workbook style guide will be included to facilitate discussion and growth.  
  •  A private Women’s Business Resource Community group will be included to help facilitate relationships and share resources.

Why a Mastermind Group?

We are created for community.

One of the most pervasive myths about success is when we naively perceive that the world is filled with successful women appearing as solitary figures. In reality, this notion couldn’t be further from the truth.

Examine successful women in fields such as business, sports, and entertainment. Witness those who excel in various aspects of life, including relationships.

One crucial element always found in the lives of these exceptional women is the presence of a team, group, adviser, board, or coach. The women who truly excel are those who wholeheartedly embrace collaboration. In order to reach our utmost potential, we must wholeheartedly embrace the concept of living within a supportive and interconnected community.

Community allows us to see our strengths and weaknesses. It brings to life opportunities and solutions to drive us toward success.  

A Mastermind is the fastest and easiest way for this to happen. It will take you to the next level in your business, by providing success and significance.

A Mastermind group is important because it provides structure. It allows growth and vulnerability at the same time.  

A Mastermind group will help you discover areas where you may have “blinders” on as well as areas where you can take your work to a higher level.

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