Welcome to my Village~

Women’s Business Resource Community

I’m Karen Kleinwort and the woman behind the Village.

My passion is to help you succeed in your business.

Creating an accessible and empowering community for all women to pursue their passion of being a successful business owner has been my vision since 2006.

Meet our Savvy CEO Karen Kleinwort | Get Savvy | Women's Business Resource Community | Be Bold

But my story begins long before I started coaching and consulting tech startups in 2006. It actually goes all the way back to my senior year of high school.

Growing your Confidence One Step at a Time

My story began in high school, where I was told by my student counselor that I wouldn’t achieve very much in life. I felt defeated and my parents were disheartened. So, I quietly took this as the biggest challenge of my life. I was going to prove them wrong. I did and I continue to. Here, in the Women’s Business Resource Community Village, you belong. My mission to empower you to be bold, live life, and love the journey. Outcome: the Village

Access Tools and Resources You Want and Need

I felt alone, isolated, and disconnected from where I wanted to be, how I wanted to make a positive impact on the women business community. Also, nothing I needed seemed available to me. This left me feeling overwhelmed and overstressed. Therefore, I made a commitment to myself that I would create a space for women to connect, grow, and truly step into their power that was easily accessible. Outcome: the Village

Together We Thrive & Flourish

I truly believe it takes a Village to build a successful, thriving and flourishing business. We can not succeed alone. We can not create in solitude. I tried and failed. In 2008 I launched an online community similar to the Village – but I had no support network, mentoring or guidance. Furthermore, I didn’t have community. I pushed through, and started again in 2023. But this time, with support and community. Outcome: the Village

I grew up in a small village in Ontario. My family owned the general store and everyone knew everyone. Community was key. My parents would open the doors at midnight for a villager if necessary – so accessibility was a necessity. I watched my mother make a positive impact in our village, in the surrounding towns and cities. So much of an impact, she was recognized by the Lieutenant Governor of Canada in 2019 as the Volunteer Citizen of the Year. I witnessed first hand the importance of empowering others and how much it in return empowered my mother.

This is what continues to drive my passion to building an accessible, empowering community. The Women’s Business Resource Community, aka the Village is my vision come to life, where all women are encouraged to dream big, celebrated, and greeted as family.

Finally, because of this, as a Villagher, we will meet you where you are. You will work at your own pace through the self-directed coaching program, worksheets, workbooks, audio lessons, and courses. My intention with offering these accessible tools as part of your membership is to support and empower you.

Comfortable, Trustworthy

If you’re like me; we work with people we feel comfortable with, we trust. It’s why I am dedicated to creating a safe, emotionally supportive space for all the Villaghers.

Get Savvy Expert Advice | How to surround yourself with positive people | Be Bold Get Savvy Small Business Solutions

Thank you for being here, and being part of my journey I am grateful to be part of yours. If you haven’t already, please schedule a complementary 20-minute strategy call with me.


P.S. Still want to know more about me? Click here.

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