Congratulations! Your application has been submitted for review. Our intention is to review the applications and respond back to you within 48 hours of your submission being received.

While you patiently wait, here are two steps you can take right now to start on your pathway to success.

  1. Join the Get Savvy Strategies & Solutions for Women-Owned Businesses Group
  2. Become a member of Get Savvy Small Business Community Center

We want to thank you for considering the Business Builder Express program to supercharge your business success by submitting your application.

We know taking this first step can be a doozy. So, we want to congratulate you for your courage to step out of your comfort zone and follow through on your commitment. The commitment to yourself and your business.

Below is what is included when you are a part of Business Builder Express program:

  • Weekly 45 minute private coaching sessions – 4 sessions (Value: $500)
  • Enrolled in the Go-Gether Pro SMS program for 6 months (Value: $120)
  • Enrolled as a Business Builder member for 2 months (Value: $200)
Business Builder Express Program Outline
Week 1: Setting the Foundation
Introduction and Program Overview

Welcome to Business Builder Express, where we empower women-owned businesses to accelerate their success. In just 4 intensive weeks, we’ll equip you with the essential skills and strategies you need to conquer challenges like organization, time management, and goal setting. Get ready to supercharge your business journey!

Defining Values and Goals

In this session, you’ll dive deep into understanding your business’s core values and setting clear, attainable goals. Furthermore, we’ll be sure in this crucial step to help you align your aspirations with a strategic roadmap, providing direction and purpose to your business journey.

Time Management and Prioritization

Mastering time management and prioritization is key to productivity and growth. Additionally, we’ll equip you with effective strategies and techniques to regain control of your schedule and boost your efficiency.

Week 2: Building Confidence & Communication Skills
Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

Confidence is the cornerstone of effective leadership. For this reason, in this session, you’ll embark on a journey to enhance your self-confidence and self-esteem, empowering you to lead with conviction and make impactful decisions.

Effective Communication

Communication lies at the heart of successful relationships, both in business and life. Also, you’ll learn essential communication skills to foster connections, convey your ideas with clarity, and navigate professional interactions with confidence.

Week 3: Leadership and Team Building
Leadership Skills

Leadership is about inspiring and guiding others toward a common goal. For that reason, this session delves into the principles of leadership, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to lead your team effectively and create a vision for your business’s future.

Team Building and Relationship Management

Strong teamwork and positive relationships are vital for a thriving business. Additionally, you’ll explore strategies for team building and relationship management, fostering a collaborative and harmonious work environment that enhances productivity.

Week 4: Business Essentials and Wrap-Up
Business Essentials

To fortify your business foundation, you’ll dive into critical areas such as business organization, marketing & PR, and business planning. This session equips you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the competitive business landscape.

Setting Boundaries and Achieving Balance

Maintaining organization and achieving a healthy work-life balance are challenges many entrepreneurs face. In fact, in this session, we address these issues, helping you establish boundaries and strategies for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Review and Goal Setting

As you approach the end of this transformative journey, we’ll guide you in reflecting on your progress, reviewing key takeaways, and setting new, actionable goals. Because, in this session we want to ensure that you leave with a clear vision for your future endeavors. And be ready to apply your newfound knowledge and skills.

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