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Registering as a Visither you unlock valuable small business strategies and solutions, like the daily published Insights columns.

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My name is Karen Kleinwort and I launched the Women’s Business Resource Community as a way to support each of you to successfully grow your businesses. Every morning, I make a cup of tea, sit down and write a new advice column on the topics you need to learn about. As a Visither member, grab a cup of your favorite beverage. Take a moment to read your daily column; then implement what you’ve learned. All before you finish drinking that cup of goodness.

Inspiration ~ Motivation

Breath is the voice of your soul.

FREE Business Coaching

As part of my commitment to bringing you the resources you need, I have included in the Women’s Business Resource Community, monthly business coaching sessions that are FREE for you to participate in. You can find these on the calendar of events. By becoming a Visither in the WBRC, you do more than unlock a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and resources. You and your business will thrive!

Get Savvy Expert Advice | Be a Better Leader | Be Bold Get Savvy Small Business Solutions | Women's Business Resource Community

FREE Skills Training

Here in the the Women’s Business Resource Community, we know first hand how challenging it is to learn new skills. Whether it be time management, work-life balance, prioritization, communication, leadership, or mindset. So, we schedule monthly skills training via Zoom that are FREE for you to participate in. You can find these on the calendar of events as well. Also, by becoming a FREE member in the WBRC, you unlock access to these trainings, networking, and collaboration.

Business Owner Leadership Skills | Be Bold Get Savvy Small Business Strategies & Solutions | Women's Business Resource Community
Already a member? Awesome! We love our Savvy Go-Gethers. You can login to your account below.

Visither vs Neighbher Member

The WBRC has a two additional membership levels for you to enroll in besides the Visither. We would be remiss, if we didn’t share with you the Neighbher level.

As you can see above, the Visither level has a ton of benefits for being a member. Zero financial investment but which means your return on this investment will depend on the time you invest. And, well, we know success doesn’t happen without us putting a little tears and time into our small businesses. But our Management level offers quite a bit more.

You see, you get all of the same benefits as the Visither level – free monthly coaching, free daily insights, free workshops but even more so. For a small investment each month, you will also unlock access to ALL the Pro Tools (workbooks, worksheets, audio lessons, and the beginner/intermediate self-directed courses) found in our Library.

As a Neighbher you also gain access to bi-weekly small group coaching sessions. That means, three opportunities for you to access FREE business coaching instead of one.

Ready to invest in your business’ growth and success? Wonderful, we thought you might. Click the button below to register now.

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