Client Life Cycle Worksheet


Client Life Cycle Worksheet

Get Savvy is dedicated to providing you the tools and resources you need to grow professionally and personally. These worksheets you can download and complete yourself or, feel free to use them as is with your own clients.

The client buying lifecycle is a customer’s journey from being unaware of your business to becoming a loyal customer. Get to know yours with the Client Life Cycle Worksheet.

It is important for small businesses to understand this lifecycle to create effective marketing and sales strategies.

  • Awareness: This is when a potential customer first becomes aware of your business. This can happen through various channels, such as advertising, social media, or word-of-mouth.
  • Decision: This is the stage where the potential customer makes a decision about whether or not to purchase your product or service.
  • Purchase: In this stage, the potential customer actually buys your product or service.
  • Loyalty: This is the stage where the customer becomes a loyal customer. They continue to buy from you and may even refer your business to their friends and family.

By understanding the client buying lifecycle, small businesses can create marketing and sales strategies tailored to each stage of the journey. This can help to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.

By understanding the client buying lifecycle, small businesses can create marketing and sales strategies tailored to each stage of the journey. This can help to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.

Get Savvy is dedicated to providing you the tools and resources to grow professionally and personally. You can download and complete these worksheets yourself, or feel free to use them with your clients.

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