Visual Impact
Consider This
Imagine for a moment that your hands are your thoughts. When you reach the end of this paragraph, I’d like you to put this paper down or turn away from your computer and hold your hands together, palms open, as if they’re the pages of an open book.
Then, slowly and steadily raise your hands up toward your face until they’re covering your eyes. Then take a few moments to look at the world around you through the gaps in between your fingers and notice how this affects your view of the world.
We know our eyes are one of the communication senses – what we see will trigger an emotional response based on previous experiences, those emotions then begin to impact our decision-making and our decisions ultimately impact our success. What would it be like if we took away the visual trigger to our internal communications?
This is like codependency ~ how we our attached to our emotions and how our internal communications control our decisions which is not supportive of living in the present and achieving our goals. We get so caught up in our thoughts we lose contact with many aspects of our here-and-now experiences, and our thoughts have such a huge influence over our behavior that our ability to act effectively is dramatically reduced.
To gain even more understanding try doing this exercise with your fingers open and closed to change the amount of view you have.
During the week begin to take notice when your emotions are triggering a response and how your inner voice may be limiting your perspective on life and the opportunity to succeed.